Neutering - for dogs, cats, rabbits & other pets
If you’re looking for highly skilled Vets who offer pet neutering in Molesey, you’ve come to the right place. At Molesey Vets, our long-standing team has many years’ experience neutering a variety of pets and will take excellent care of yours whilst they are with us for their procedure. Pet neutering is normally done as a day case, so your pet should be back home with you the very same day.
If you’re not sure when is the right time to neuter your dog, cat, rabbit, or any other pet, our experienced team can help.
Pet neutering at Molesey Vets
Before the neutering surgery, your pet will undergo a health check and your Vet may advise pre-surgery blood tests. These tests can pick up certain underlying health conditions that may affect your pet’s surgery and are especially important for pets entering their senior years. In most routine cases, your pet can usually be discharged the same evening. Our Nurses will contact you with an update on your pet’s recovery before giving you a time to collect them.
Our Small Animal facilities include state-of-the-art operating theatres and equipment, and comfortable patient wards (separate for cats and dogs) where your pet will be closely monitored and given time to rest and recuperate. In most cases, pets are back to running around later that day, or the next day. However, they will need to wear a buster collar or pet t-shirt to stop them licking the surgical site, and you may be advised that your pet should take it a little easier for a short period of time.
What does pet neutering surgery do?
Neutering, or de-sexing, is a surgical procedure performed under general anaesthesia. In female pets, the procedure is also called “spaying” and involves removing the ovaries and the uterus (or the ovaries only in ‘keyhole’ techniques). In male pets, the procedure is also called “castration” and is the removal of the testicles. For specific information about the neutering of your particular species of pet, visit our My Pet section.
What are the benefits of neutering pets?
At Molesey Vets, we believe that pet neutering is the most responsible action you can take as a pet owner if you are not going to breed from your pet. Here’s why:
- Spaying and castration helps prevent any unwanted pregnancies and offspring, in turn reducing the number of unwanted pets on the streets and in shelters.
- It helps your pet lead a healthier life by reducing the risk of developing certain diseases and health conditions – mammary (breast) cancer and infections of the womb (pyometra) in some females; testicular cancer, gland tumors, and hernias in some male pets.
- It stops some undesirable behaviours such as marking and urinating indoors, wandering off in search of a mate, and sexual aggression.
- Neutering can make some pets easier to live with, as female pets especially can go through phantom pregnancies, and can become withdrawn or hostile towards other pets during their seasons. Likewise, particularly in cats & dogs, when a female is in season, any nearby males can become extremely agitated and unruly.
Keyhole spays for female dogs
Molesey Vets are pleased to also offer keyhole spays, also known as laparoscopic surgery, for female dogs. This type of procedure is less invasive and promotes quicker healing, faster recovery time, and less scarring. Find out more.
Pet neutering & weight management
It’s commonly known that dogs in particular are more likely to gain weight after being neutered. That’s why, once your pet is neutered with us, we encourage you to bring them to see our Nurses for regular weight check consults.
Our Nurses use weighing scales as well as body condition scoring to identify if your pet is overweight. They will then provide tailored nutritional and exercise advice for your pet.
Save on your pet’s neutering with our Healthy Pet Club!
Get 10% OFF pet neutering when you become a member of our Healthy Pet Club – learn more.
Pet neutering in Molesey – book a consultation today.