Vet Darren Partridge gives advice on vital winter rabbit care
Learn how to tell if your rabbit is feeling cold and steps you can take to keep them cosy and healthy this winter.
5 tips from Alpha Vets for keeping your rabbit’s heart healthy
Have a read about the common rabbit heart health conditions and what you can do to reduce the risk of your rabbit becoming affected.
Vet nurses in Teddington have the ultimate baby bunny checklist for new parents
If you’re planning on bringing home a new baby bunny, have a read of our vet nurses’ top advice & what you need to know beforehand.
Alpha Vets’ top tips for rabbit owners
With firework season ahead, now is the time to prepare your rabbit’s home to keep them as stress-free as possible. Learn more here.
Symptoms and warning signs your small furry pet could be expecting!
In this article, our Head Nurse Claire runs us through the tell-tale signs that your rabbit or guinea pig may be pregnant.
Get Alpha Vets’ tips for choosing rabbit care for your trip
To ensure you have a stress-free holiday, finding the right rabbit sitter to care for your pet is essential. Learn more here.
Why two rabbits are better than one
Darren explains why rabbits are better kept in pairs and how to spot if your pet rabbit is lonely.
Why annual vaccinations for rabbits in Greater London are vital
Myxomatosis and Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease are almost always fatal – is your pet vaccinated? Get the facts here.
Important dental advice for rabbits, guinea pigs & other small pets
Is your rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, or rat showing signs of lethargy or reduced appetite? The cause could be underlying dental problems.
Vets in Teddington offer advice on which pets need neutering and why
Neutering offers a range of benefits for many pets – especially those kept in pairs. Check if your pet species is mentioned in our article here.