Guinea Pigs

Darren has vital hot weather advice for owners of small furry pets

July 14th, 2022

Read our lifesaving advice that can help your rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters stay cool in hot weather.

Alpha Vets’ nurses share 9 reasons why small furries are top pets

April 21st, 2022

Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, and chinchillas can make great pets – discover why in our article.

Essential guinea pig grooming advice from Alpha Vets’ Nurses

January 14th, 2022

Did you know that guinea pig grooming has many benefits for both short and long-haired breeds? Learn why and how to groom your pet.

Is your guinea pig overweight?

December 7th, 2021

New Year is the perfect time to change your guinea pig’s life for the better if they are overweight. Read Alpha Vets’ advice.

Bored guinea pigs and hamsters – how to avoid this at Christmas time

November 21st, 2021

When small pets like guinea pigs and hamsters get bored, they can become depressed and some will even self-mutilate. These toys could help.

Alpha Vets explains why small furry pets need a vet

August 7th, 2021

Guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, mice & rats have their own common illnesses. Read about more reasons they need a vet.

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