Guinea Pigs
Summer Sleek: Pet Grooming Tips for Hot Weather
Alpha Vets has some tips to keep your furry friends cool and comfortable – check out our summer grooming strategies.
Darren Partridge Shines a Spotlight on Guinea Pig Happiness & Care
Do guinea pigs make good pets? Are guinea pigs easy to care for? How to spot signs of illness? Read our Vet’s guide to guinea pigs as pets.
Guinea Pig FAQs: A Guide to Caring for Your Squeaky Friend!
We tasked our Vet Darren Partridge, with answering commonly asked questions about guinea pigs – check out their answers here!
The Art of Keeping Pets Cool on a Hot Summer’s Day
The sun is blazing and the heat is on in Greater London. Read our advice on how to keep your pets cool.
Get Alpha Vets’ guide to edible gardens for small furries
Learn the benefits of creating an edible garden for your pet, as well as tips on which foods to plant and what you’ll need to get started.
Symptoms and warning signs your small furry pet could be expecting!
In this article, our Head Nurse Claire runs us through the tell-tale signs that your rabbit or guinea pig may be pregnant.
Important dental advice for rabbits, guinea pigs & other small pets
Is your rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, or rat showing signs of lethargy or reduced appetite? The cause could be underlying dental problems.
Vets in Teddington offer advice on which pets need neutering and why
Neutering offers a range of benefits for many pets – especially those kept in pairs. Check if your pet species is mentioned in our article here.
Is your rabbit, hamsters or other small furry pet stressed out?
The vets at our Teddington veterinary practice have some helpful advice on stress.
Rabbits, guinea pigs & fireworks – Darren has a plan
Get our Vet’s advice on helping your small furry pets cope during firework season and what to do if they get stressed.