Snake Skin Shedding: Everything You Need to Know

November 24, 2024

Having a pet snake means becoming well-acquainted with their fascinating skin-shedding process, a natural part of their life cycle. However, how can you tell if the shedding process is progressing smoothly or if your snake might require a little help along the way?

In this article, Alpha Vets’ exotics enthusiast & Vet Darren, will delve into the reasons why snakes shed their skin, explore proper care techniques during the shedding process, and discuss how to recognise and address any potential issues.

If you’re left with any questions or concerns about your snake’s shedding after reading this article, Darren and our team in Teddington are here to support you.

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Why do snakes shed their skin?

Our Vet, Darren, shares that shedding is an essential aspect of a snake’s growth, allowing them to adapt to their changing size. This process also serves as a natural way to eliminate old skin and any parasites, supporting their health and wellbeing.

How often a snake sheds depends largely on its species. If you’re unsure whether your snake’s shedding pattern is normal, don’t hesitate to reach out to Darren at Alpha Vets, who has a passion for treating snakes and other reptiles.

Caring for your snake as they shed

Being aware of the signs that your snake is about to shed is essential. Look for indications such as a dull or bluish-white coloration in their eyes and skin, which may appear less vibrant. You might also notice shifts in your snake’s behaviour and appetite. To aid your snake during this period, Darren advises maintaining a clean habitat, offering rough surfaces for shedding, and ensuring a constant water supply. Additionally, providing a warm water bath and increasing humidity levels in the enclosure can be beneficial.

Skin shedding challenges

While skin shedding is typically a smooth process, sometimes snakes may encounter difficulties, such as patchy shedding or prolonged shedding periods. In such cases, assess the habitat conditions – are they adequately moist, and does your snake have access to enough water and coarse materials? If problems persist, consider soaking your snake in a bath for 10-15 minutes. However, if you remain concerned or unsure about resolving the issue, don’t hesitate to contact us for expert advice. We’re dedicated to assisting snake owners in Greater London and ensuring the wellbeing of your reptilian companion.

Contact us about snake shedding


Have you been searching for a “snake vet near me”? Look no further! Our exotics enthusiast & Vet Darren Partridge has many years’ experience treating snakes and other exotic pets. Call us on 0208 943 2303 today.

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