Dark Night Safety For Cats Starts At Home

November 7, 2024

Cat safety is on every vet’s mind in Greater London as the nights start to get darker much earlier. Sadly, this time of year often sees a rise in the number of cats brought to Alpha Veterinary Surgery and other veterinary practices after being involved in road traffic accidents at night.

If your cat doesn’t return after a night of wandering, contact our team in Teddington by calling 0208 943 2303. Our veterinary nurses will check if a cat matching the description has been brought in.

Cat not chipped yet? Book Now  


Our team at Alpha Vets want cat owners to know that dark night safety for cats starts at home. To help you, our team have put together a checklist of things you can do to help your cat stay safe during autumn and winter nights in Greater London, including:

  • Ways to encourage your cat to stay indoors at night
  • Making your cat more visible to drivers
  • A cat microchipping reminder… 

Download our Dark Night Cat Safety Checklist


Why do cats wander at night?

We asked our vets in Teddington to explain why cats like to wander at night, here is what they said: “Cats are naturally crepuscular, meaning they’re most active at dawn and dusk. Their heightened senses and excellent night vision make them feel comfortable exploring in low light. Instinctively, night-time roaming is linked to their hunting behaviour, as this is when prey is typically active. Additionally, the quiet and calm of night can make it more appealing for cats to patrol their territory, search for food, or simply satisfy their curiosity.”

Should you stop your cat from going out at night?

Our vets share that forcing your cat to stay in at night can cause stress and anxiety, as it disrupts their natural instincts to explore and hunt during their most active hours. That said, when temperatures are exceptionally low or the weather is deemed a “risk to life” in Greater London, it can be prudent to encourage them to stay indoors.

But what can you do to help them stay safe?

  1. Download our handy checklist with tips for cat safety at night
  2. Microchip your cat as a priority


Why is cat microchipping important?

At Alpha Vets, we know that cat microchipping gives your cat the best chance of being reunited with you quickly, should they have an accident or get lost at night – plus, it’s now a legal requirement if you live in England. Contact us now to get your cat microchipped or check the details on their existing chip.

Already microchipped your cat? Great! However, too many pet owners forget to update the information on the microchip database when they move house or change their phone number, making it just as hard for vets to contact them, as when there was no microchip at all. Do you need to update your details?

Not being able to locate the owner of a cat that has been found wandering or needs urgent medical attention, is something we absolutely dread at Alpha Vets.

If your cat needs microchipping, or they are missing, get in touch as soon as possible.

Contact us

Before you go, here’s a little reminder to download our handy Cat Safety Checklist.


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