6 New Year rabbit owner tips for a better pet, pocket & planet

December 21, 2021

You’re doing an excellent job caring for your rabbit, but there’s no harm in discovering ways to do better by your pet, your pocket, and the planet. Our Vet Darren, has come up with some interesting ideas to get your new year off to a great start.

Read our top tips for rabbit owners

1. Get your rabbit vaccinated

If your rabbit’s booster is overdue or they’ve never been vaccinated we recommend making this a top priority. Rabbit vaccinations protect against deadly diseases – Myxomatosis and both strains of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD-1 & RVHD-2). Our Vets will give your rabbit a nose-to-tail health check at the same time, getting them ready for the year ahead.

Call us about vaccinating your rabbit

2. Switch to loose fruit & veg at the shops

Ditch the plastic packaging and opt for fresh food items that are sold loose. You can always take your own food containers and those re-usable material fruit & veg bags.

3. Choose local, seasonal produce or grow your own

Buy in-season produce grown in the UK and reduce your carbon footprint by avoiding imported goods. Go one step further and visit your local farm shop in Surrey – most grow produce on-site or nearby and use local suppliers. Alternatively, why not grow your own and save money too? Your rabbit will thank you for the fresh ‘garden-to-bowl’ goodies.

4. Make DIY rabbit toys out of eco-friendly materials

Save money and be more eco-friendly by making toys for your rabbits – Darren asked Molesey Vets’ nursing team to share their ideas:

  • Foraging trays: cardboard, scrunched up newspaper, hay, and rabbit food/treats.
  • Digging box: large cardboard box, soil, rabbit-friendly plants and treats.
  • Treat roll: toilet/kitchen roll cardboard tube, timothy hay, rabbit treats to hide inside.
  • Veggie kabob: metal hanging treat holder (search ‘rabbit kabob’ on Amazon), rabbit-safe vegetables cut into chunks – go steady on the carrots as these are sugary.

5. Get an eco-friendly rabbit hutch by choosing pre-loved

Check freecycle, Facebook market place, Shpock, eBay, and other places offering pre-loved a.k.a. second-hand goods. You’ll extend the life of a rabbit hutch or run that would otherwise be thrown away, and you could even upcycle your new item into a 5-star rabbit retreat!

6. Adopt rather than buy a companion for your bunny

Did you know that some animal rescue shelters rehome rabbits? Adopting a pet rabbit is a wonderful option as you get to give an abandoned pet a second chance in life. As rabbits need to live in pairs, why not contact your local animal shelter first? The Blue Cross also rehome rabbits – learn more.

We hope you enjoyed reading Darren’s top tips for rabbit owners and are ready to put your new year plan into action. Here’s a quick reminder to;

Call us to check or book your rabbit’s vaccination

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