Pet microchipping in Teddington

Pet microchipping is a quick and simple procedure that can vastly improve your chances of being reunited with your beloved pet should they go missing. There’s no need to search for ‘pet microchipping near me’ – if you live in or near Teddington, book a pet microchipping appointment at Alpha Vets!

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What is Pet Microchipping?

When a pet is microchipped, a small microchip (the size of a grain of rice) is inserted just under their skin between the shoulder blades. The sensation is similar to having a vaccination.

Microchips are designed to last for life and not be removed. They can be scanned using a specialist piece of equipment that will reveal your pet’s unique microchip code. This code is linked with your contact details on the national pet microchip database – so you should always keep this information up to date.

New Cat Microchipping Law: 10th June Deadline Has Passed – Act Now

A wide range of animal specialists can scan your pet’s microchip, including veterinary practices like us, dog wardens and charities such as the RSPCA.

Save 10% with our Healthy Pet Club!

Get 10% OFF pet microchipping when you become a member of our Healthy Pet Club – learn more.

Compulsory Microchipping for Dogs & Cats

NEW Cat Law – 10th June 2024 Deadline Has Passed, Act Now

In April 2016, microchipping dogs became a legal requirement in the UK. It is now a legal requirement in England for cats to be microchipped too, with all cats over 20 weeks old needing a microchip implanted by the 10th of June 2024.

Read our latest article on the new cat law

With pet thefts on the rise, we also recommend microchipping rabbits and ferrets. Give your pet the best chance of being reunited with you should the unthinkable happen.

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How Microchipping Protects Your Pet

A microchip protects your cat in several key ways:

  1. Reuniting Lost Pets: If a pet gets lost, animal rescue centres, veterinary clinics, and animal control officers can scan the microchip to access the owner’s contact information, facilitating a quick reunion.
  2. Theft Deterrence: Microchipped pets are less attractive to thieves because they can be easily identified and returned to their rightful owners, making resale or keeping the stolen pet more difficult.
  3. Medical Emergencies: In case of accidents or medical emergencies, a microchip can help veterinary professionals quickly identify the pet and contact the owner, ensuring timely and appropriate medical care.
  4. Proof of Ownership: In disputes over pet ownership, a registered microchip serves as legal proof of ownership, helping to resolve conflicts and ensuring the pet stays with its rightful owner.
  5. Travel Requirements: Many countries and regions require pets to be microchipped for travel. This ensures the pet meets regulatory requirements and can be returned if lost during travel. Alpha Vets can help with your pet travel needs – learn more.

Overall, a microchip enhances the likelihood of a pet being safely and promptly reunited with its owner, providing peace of mind and added security.

Book a microchip appointment via our online form


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